High Concept

Mrs. P’s Classroom is designed to be an educational experience for young children. This experience is designed to provide an early foundation to some of the core aspects of a modern educational curriculum. Through short animated features, interactive narration, and puzzles children can build a better understanding of colors, shapes, and numbers.

Design Pillars

Foundational Knowledge

Education Through Exploration

Growth and Understanding

Puzzle Solving


Sole Designer, Developer, and Producer


Unreal Engine, Photoshop, Confluence, Trello

GDMS Applied Thesis Project

Learning About Colors

Children will learn about several different colors, which will be used throughout the educational experience.


Primary Colors

  • Red
  • Yellow
  • Blue

Secondary Colors

  • Purple
  • Orange
  • Green

Learning About Shapes

Children will learn about several different shapes, which will be used throughout this educational experience.



  • Circle
  • Square
  • Star
  • Triangle
  • Rectangle

Engagement Metrics

  • Session LengthThis should be a rolling counter that begins when the child starts the game and ends when the child closes the game. This metric will enable us to understand how long a child engages with this media before moving on to another activity.
  • Session FrequencyThis should be a rolling counter that is triggered when the child begins their Session with the game. This should only trigger once every time the game is launched and a session begins. This metric will enable us to understand how often the child is partaking in the educational materials offered through this game.
  • Time Spent on Activities -This should be a rolling counter that is triggered at the start of the child’s engagement of a specific activity and the timer should end upon the completion of the activity. This metric will enable us to know several different things such as;
    • How long does it take the child to complete an activity

    • Which activities or categories of activities could the child be excelling in

    • Which activity or categories of activities might be more challenging

    • Which activities does the child engage with the most

    • Which activities does the child engage with the least?

Educational Metrics

  • Activities Completed – This metric tracks the child’s progress throughout the activities and the game.

  • Activities Attempted – This metric tracks how many activities the child has completed regardless of the Pass/Fail outcome.

  • Correct Answers – This metric tracks the number of correct responses that a child has during an activity.

  • Incorrect Answers – This metric tracks the number of incorrect responses that a child has during an activity.

  • Activity Average – This metric tracks the average of Correct and Incorrect responses to Educational Questions/Prompts during gameplay.

Behavioral Metrics

Frustration Frequency – This metric is a rolling counter that will be triggered when the child abruptly quits the game. This is an indicator that the content might be too challenging for the child.

Guidance Requested – This metric tracks how often the child requests help from within the game to complete certain activities within the game.