Capstone Track: Triple-A
Company: Mars Games
Current Role: Lead Producer (intern)
Previous Role: Lead Designer (intern)

I interned in the Triple-A track at Mars Games during my graduate degree. I started as a systems designer before becoming the lead systems designer and then worked my way up to the lead producer role I continue to hold. During this time, I became heavily involved in working on an unannounced project and equally engaged in building a team.
Lead Systems Designer (intern)
As a systems designer, much of my work involved creating features and mechanics that the player would interact with and engage with. This includes prototypes and final formats of different mechanics, user interfaces, and the general direction and flow of the game. I determined what tools we could use to achieve our goals and began training the team members in my departments who reported to me.
Responsibilities as Lead Systems Designer (intern)
- Lead the following departments; Systems Design, Combat Design, Technical Design, UI/UX Design
- Prioritizing Resources
- Evaluating Development Tools
- Educational Workshops Used to Teach Game Design
- Team Member Progress and Performance Evaluations
- Documentation Writing
- Weekly Department Meetings
- Bi-weekly Sprint Reports
Lead Producer (intern)
As the lead producer, I retained much of my responsibilities as a systems designer; however, I now had the entire studio to maintain. Much of my work shifted to managing the larger-scale operations and day-to-day occurrences typical to any studio environment. My greatest strength became the ability to listen and hear what my teams needed; doing this allowed me to facilitate their needs and help foster an overall improvement in morale.
Responsibilities as Lead Producer (intern)
- Prioritizing Resources
- Evaluating Development Tools
- Educational Workshops Used to Teach Game Design
- Team Member Progress and Performance Evaluations
- Documentation Writing
- Weekly Systems Design Meeting
- Weekly Head of Departments Meeting
- Meet Milestone Goals
- Meet Special Interest Goals
- Assess the day-to-day Studio Operations
- Maintain Peak Workflow for All Departments
- Web Design
- QA